Alpha & Omega Read online

Page 15

  A woeful sound escapes Alpha, and I lose my mind. Before I can control myself, I scramble up onto the desk and slap the shit out of Father Lester.

  “Lark!” Alpha growls as he slips a strong arm around my waist, hauling me back.

  “You’re an asshole!” I snarl at Father Lester. “This man is good—so good. How dare you think of him otherwise? He would do anything for anyone. Not just me, like you think. Anyone. His heart is so big that he shares it with everyone. You may think he’s awful, but I thank God that I was able to help pull him away from your company’s evil clutches. You’re all twisted, and he was able to untangle himself from you. I love him and I’ll protect him from the likes of you. Now, if you ever had any care for him at all, you’ll give us a head start before you tattle to your superiors.”

  Father Lester, whose cheek is now smarting red, stares at me openmouthed and in shock.

  “You love me,” Alpha whispers as he pulls my back to his chest and kisses the top of my head. “I knew it.”

  As much as my heart aches for the one I loved, it also throbs—filled with hope—as I finally verbalize what I knew all along. That I love Just Al.

  He slides an arm over my shoulder and guides me away from the desk toward the door. We don’t need the hypocritical preacher to help us. We have each other.

  “If we hurry, I can call Dad and catch him on his way back from campus. He can pick us up on his way home,” I tell him as we make it to the doorway. “Just tone it down on the ‘Twiggy’ stuff. It may have been several years since I last saw him, but my Dad will still be protective over me. Oh, and call him sir or Dr. Hutchinson—you’ll be golden.”

  Dad is typically easygoing but I’m still nervous as hell about him meeting the only guy since Connor. And after all of these years, it might not be pretty.

  “Dr. Mathias Hutchinson, a professor at UCLA?” Father Lester calls out in question.


  My head whirls back to look at him, but his hands are raised in surrender. I glare at him instead of answering. How in the fuck does he know my father? A worrisome thought enters my head. Between his job and my mother, Dad knows just about every church leader in a hundred-mile radius.

  “I’ll drive you to him,” Father Lester mumbles grudgingly. “It appears there may be more here than meets the eye with you two.”

  A relieved sigh rushes from Alpha, and he hugs me. “We’re going to fix this, Twiggy,” he tells me with confidence.

  My lips curl into the smallest of smiles. “I hope you’re right, Al. I’ve given you my tiny heart. And though it may be little, it will need the most protection of all.”

  It feels good to hope again.

  The entire ride over to Dad’s office is a quiet one. Even though Father Lester suddenly decided to help us, I don’t trust his intentions. His mood has become introspective while he’s been driving, and we’re in the back seat of his secondhand Ford Crown Victoria—an old police car complete with the black-and-white paint job. Al remains pensive as well as he holds my hand.

  After we pull into the emptying staff parking lot and turn into a spot, I finally ask the question that has been plaguing me. “How do you know my dad, Father Lester?”

  He chuckles as he puts the car into park and shuts it off. When he turns to look at me, he smiles, which is a little unnerving considering this is the first time he’s aimed it my way.

  “Your dad and I go way back. We used to work together.”

  “You worked at UCLA?” I question.

  He shakes his head and climbs out of the car. Alpha and I exchange a glance before we get out and follow after him.

  “Dad has only ever worked here,” I call out after the bizarre old man and wave toward the building where my dad’s office resides. “I guess I don’t understand what you mean.”

  “There’s a lot you don’t understand. You are incapable of understanding. Just know that your father and I knew each other from before.” The way he says the last part indicates something other than a time period and more along the lines of an event.

  Alpha seems uncomfortable with our exchange as we trek after Father Lester. His demeanor has felt different since we stepped foot in that church earlier.

  “Before what?”

  Instead of giving me an answer, Father Lester wrenches the door to the building open and disappears inside.

  “He’s crazy, Al,” I groan and shake my head. “None of it makes any sense, and he’s not very forthcoming on his answers.”

  Alpha trots ahead of me and opens the door. “It makes sense to me, Twiggy. But, babe, I’m not sure if this is good news or bad news.”

  I stop in the doorway and give him a questioning look. “What do you mean?”

  “If your dad used to work with Father Lester,” he sighs, “then that means he’s retired from the company I work for—the company we’re trying to escape from. It means that your dad might not be any help at all. In fact, he may just help Father Lester drag our asses back to my boss, Pallas.”

  “No, he’s my dad. It doesn’t matter that we haven’t spoken in years. He loves me and would never sell me out for some ‘company’ he supposedly worked for. Trust me,” I explain vehemently.

  Alpha slides a tender palm up my neck and strokes his thumb along my cheek. His coal-colored eyes are once again apologetic. I hate that he feels as if he has to take the brunt of everything we’re going through. It’s not his fault. Al is a good man.

  “Twiggy, this company is bigger than we are. Bigger than anything I’ve ever known. Once you’re married to this company, you don’t simply get out. They always own a part of you, even in retirement.”

  I scowl at him. “He’s. My. Dad. He’ll listen to us—he’ll help us, Al. You have to try and have a little faith.”

  Alpha throws a crooked grin my way and brings his lips close to mine. “I’ll try and do anything for you, baby. I love you, Lark Miller.”

  With a soft kiss, he presses his warm lips against my own. I wrap my arms around his solid back and kiss him harder. Now that I’ve pledged my heart to him, I don’t want to ever let him go. In a perfect world, this could be my eternity—me pressed firmly against the protective and statuesque man in my arms. We could stay here forever, bound by a simple kiss packed with so much love. Time could freeze us and I would be in complete bliss with that.

  Happiness is such a foreign concept for me—a concept I didn’t think I’d ever feel again. But with Alpha, broken pieces are being mended. Black hearts are showing signs of life. Love is a tiny seed deep in my soul that is beginning to break free from the compacted soil of my being and budding with growth.

  With Al, I can be whole again.

  I won’t let anyone get in my way this time. Last time, the government stole my love away. Connor was married to their institution every bit as much as he was married to me. And even though Al may think he’s married to his company equally powerful as our US government, I have other ideas.

  I’m the tempting lover he had an affair with. I’m the one who stole him away. This time, I’m the one in control of my love—of my destiny.

  It’s time to plan a divorce.

  “I love you too, Just Al. It’s time to make you mine forever.”

  I’LL NEVER GET tired of hearing those words. “I love you too, Just Al.” If only I could give her more of me—climb into the blankness that is my mind and find out who I truly am. Then she could love more than Just Al. She could love all of me, even the parts of me I don’t even know.

  “When you get big like me, you can fit the whole Oreo in your mouth like this,” Daddy says with a smile before he pushes the whole cookie into his mouth.

  His sandy-blond hair is combed over to the side, just like he always wears it to the office. Mommy says that he’s the best salesman at his insurance company. He works long hours but takes good care of Mom and me. Sometimes, he brings me home a toy if I’ve been really good.

  “I’m seven, Daddy. I’m big,” I argue. Then I attempt to s
hove the entire dripping-with-milk-and-now-soggy Oreo into my mouth.

  I make a huge mess, and Daddy laughs as he ruffles my hair.

  “Are you feeding him dessert before dinner?!” Mommy gasps when she enters the kitchen. “Arnold, I oughta skin you alive for that!”

  Daddy winks at me before smiling one of those big smiles that always makes her cheeks turn red.

  “Baby doll, Oreos aren’t dessert. They’re their own food group—a daily necessity, if you will. He’ll survive and eat his dinner too.” When he turns back to me, he grins, “Right, big boy?”

  “Right, Daddy!”

  “Right, big boy?” Lark questions, causing my memory to fade into nothingness. We’ve finished our kiss, and she’s staring at me with concern written all over her face.

  “What? Sorry. I had a memory,” I murmur as I close my eyes.

  My mom was so beautiful with her long, light-brown hair and matching eyes. And my dad . . . He was handsome and charming. With my black hair and dark eyes, I look nothing like them.

  “Of what?” Lark asks in a nervous tone.

  I know she thinks I’m going to ramble more mumbo jumbo about my name being Connor because she pushes her shoulders back and lifts her chin a bit as if to physically prepare herself for my words. God, she’s so brave.

  “Of my parents. I miss them,” I sigh. “Apparently, Dad loved Oreos just like you do.” My lips curl into a small smile at the memory.

  If I knew more about them, I could look for them. They would love Lark, I’m sure of it. But what if they’re dead? The thought sickens me.

  Her eyes widen in surprise. “Your dad loved Oreos?”

  I chuckle. “He thought they were their own food group too. I think you two would really hit it off. Too bad I have no idea how to find them.”

  One tear escapes from her eye and rolls down her cheek before she takes a ragged gasp of breath. “Come on. Let’s go see my dad.”

  She breaks away from me and strides with an unusual quickness for someone with such short legs down the hallway. When I catch up with her, I steal her hand with mine, threading our fingers together as we walk. As we approach the last door on the right, we hear hushed voices.

  “In here.” She points and leads me through the doorway.

  Upon our entry, Father Lester and who I’m assuming is Dr. Hutchinson halt their whispers.

  “Dad,” Lark greets the man, confirming my conclusion. Her voice quivers a bit, but she is tough and swallows it down.

  “Lark. I’ve missed you so much,” he smiles with sudden tears in his eyes and then he raises both arms.

  She hesitates, only for a moment, before bounding over to him. The bear hug he gives her nearly crushes her.

  After they finally break apart, she introduces me to her father. “Dad, this is my—this is Al. Al, this my dad, Mathias.”

  Remembering my manners, I shake his hand with a firm grip. “Dr. Hutchinson,” I nod.

  He resembles Lark in the way that his hair is a wild, dark wavy mess on his head, but his eyes are the color of midnight, much like my own. After we finish the introductions, he regards me with curiosity.

  “Call me Mathias. So Father Lester tells me you’re in a little bit of trouble?” he asks.

  “Yes, sir,” I tell him with a rush of breath. “My final assignment was your daughter.”

  His eyes darken and his features become fierce. “Final assignment? You’re a Minder? Not an SG?”

  I nod solemnly. If he once worked for HEA like Father Lester indicated, he knows that the Minders only protect those destined for Hell. Hearing that your daughter is headed there can’t be good news for any father.

  Lark’s eyes flicker with interest at learning a bit more about the “company,” but she wisely stays quiet.

  “Unfortunately, I’m a Minder. Well, was. Now, I’m not sure what will happen,” I tell him.

  His dark brows furrow together in confusion. “Why?”

  Father Lester interjects. “You don’t have to worry, Mathias. He broke the rules. Apparently, these two are in love now and he’s not letting them take her. But, as you and I both know, that isn’t going to sit pretty with his superiors.”

  I know that, by them, he means Hell. And he’s right. I’ll set fire to every inch of this Earth before I let anyone touch my girl.

  “Well, damn. We have a problem here,” Mathias murmurs. “Rules are rules.”

  My heart sinks. He sounds resolved, and it doesn’t seem like he’s in favor of helping us.

  I straighten my back and meet his eyes. “With all due respect, sir, I understand the rules. I know that they are very good at what they do—how they select their assignments. However, this time, they’re wrong.”

  His eyes dart over to Lark, and then he looks back at me. I can see, just below the surface, the disbelief. He sees the troubled woman with the mouth of a sailor, countless tattoos, and the emotional baggage that creates the saddest fucking aura around her. And even though she’s his daughter, he doesn’t seem convinced that I’m right. He assumes his daughter is destined for Hell. Well, fuck him too.

  “They. Are. Wrong,” I growl. “She’s not evil. Everything in her file is a fucking lie. I don’t understand why they would put made-up bullshit in there, but none of it is true. She’s a good person, and I’ll kill anyone who tries to take her away from me.”

  Mathias’s eyes narrow as he searches mine for any deception, but my words are honest. I’m one hundred percent convinced they are all wrong.

  Finally, he nods his understanding. “This doesn’t happen a lot, but it does happen. We’ll need to lie low until we get this sorted,” he instructs as he stalks over to his desk to grab his briefcase.

  “Dad, why didn’t you ever tell me you worked for some bad company?” Lark asks. “Is it the government? I thought it had to do with Connor, but now, I’m not certain. Are they targeting me because of you? None of this makes any sense!”

  It doesn’t make any sense because she doesn’t have all the facts. And I can’t just come right out and tell her that I’m an angel-in-training who’s dead set on keeping her out of Hell. She’ll lose her damn mind.

  “Lark, we don’t have time for all of this. This company is a good company, but they, much like any company, have errors from time to time. That’s why we need stay under their radar while we gather the necessary facts and take the proper steps to fix this. I never told you because this company requires the utmost secrecy. Your mother doesn’t even know about it, and I’d like to keep it that way. Are we clear?” Mathias’s authoritative voice booms.

  Lark frowns but nods. “Fine, but I can’t lose Al too. Losing Connor and then the baby nearly killed me. I love him just like I loved my husband—I’ll never recover if they take him from me.”

  “I love him just like I loved my husband.”

  My eyes fall to the wedding bands on the chain of her cross necklace around her neck. Right now, in the small office, in the midst of our chaotic situation, I know that I want to be her husband one day. I want her to wear my ring on her finger. To carry my last name . . . if I had one.

  She’s my destiny.

  She’s my forever.

  After an emotional reunion between Lark and her mother, Bea, we sit down to a spaghetti dinner and enjoy each other’s company. It is surreal to feel as if I am a part of a family, even if only for a moment. I’m not sure if I’ll ever find my parents again or that I’ll even be guaranteed a tomorrow, but in this moment, I have a family.

  We all have to pretend for Bea’s benefit—who thinks Lark just had a change of heart and wanted to reconnect with family after all of these years. She thinks I work at the church with Father Lester, which isn’t far from the truth. After dinner is over and Bea takes Lark back to the bedroom to talk in private, the three of us men launch into a discussion.

  “What do we do, Mathias? How can I get HEA to understand they’ve made a mistake?” I question.

  He frowns. “I’ve been thinking about t
his. Al, there’s something you need to know.”

  I glance over at Father Lester, who doesn’t seem at all surprised at what Mathias is about to tell me. “Okay, so spill.”

  “Pallas was my partner,” he begins.

  My stomach flops. “No shit? Wow. Okay and?”

  “And things, like for you, went to Hell in a hand basket during my final assignment too.”

  I know I shouldn’t feel hopeful, but the butterflies have already begun to flutter around in my belly. Things went wrong for him, but he’s still alive and kicking. Furthermore, he has a career and family, too. Doesn’t seem too bad.

  “Anyway,” he continues, “they made a mistake on the person I was to protect as well. They’d said she was going to commit murder. That she was an evil young woman who was slowly poisoning her father.”

  I want to shake him and tell him to hurry up with it, but instead, I grit my teeth together and wait.

  “Well, I met this vile woman. She was beautiful and tempting as could be. Every time she smiled, I had the urge to kiss her despite her evil ways.”

  A small grin tugs at my lips because that’s exactly how I felt with Lark.

  “But as much as I wanted to kiss her, I knew she was nothing more than a bad person who needed to be kept alive until the Reapers came for her. Every day, time just ticked away and I couldn’t wait to get my wings. I thought I had the assignment in the bag until it happened.”


  His voice is furious with his next words. “I used to hide in the shadows around her house and peek in the windows to make sure she was still alive. When I heard screams, I ran to the window and was sickened by what I saw.” He closes his eyes and shakes his head as if to rid himself of the visual. “Her father was sloppy drunk but was whipping his belt around in the air at her mother. From my position, I could see the black eye of her mother. The bruises. And just as I thought he was going to pound the tar out of his wife with that belt, my assignment stepped in. She screamed at him to get his attention off her mother and onto her. That day, I watched in horror as that man beat my assignment.”