Alpha & Omega Read online

Page 11

“Shh, honey. I’m here. Where are you living these days? I could come to you,” she whispers in a hope-filled tone.

  I shudder violently but manage to find my voice. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Oh, Lark. Please let me see you,” she begs.

  She can’t see me shaking my head, but there’s no way I can see her right now.

  “Please,” she tries again before her voice gives away to hysterical sobs.

  “I love you,” I tell her between hiccups.

  “I know you do, baby. I love you too.”

  “Goodbye, Mom,” I rush out before mashing the button to end the call.

  She must call fifteen times before finally giving up. After several times of watching the phone ring and letting it go to voicemail, I see a text finally comes through.

  Unknown number: Please let me see you.

  For the first time in a long time, I want to see her too.

  Me: Soon. I promise.

  As I watch him saunter across the room in nothing but a towel, my mouth waters. I’ve made love to him hundreds of times, but the sight of his body never grows old. He’s one hundred percent man, and I love touching and tasting every inch of him.

  “You know”—he quirks up a brow in a teasing manner—“now that you’re officially my wife, you have certain ‘duties’.”

  I burst out laughing when he does a pelvic thrust at me.

  “Is that so, babe? And what do these ‘duties’ entail?” I tease back.

  Today, our wedding was small and simple. It was perfect. Now, we can begin our life together, and we plan on starting with consummating our marriage.

  “Well . . .” He grins evilly as he drops his towel. “You have to let me knock you up. Those curvy hips of yours were made to carry babies.”

  I scoff at him and flip him the bird. “I don’t remember the preacher mentioning anything about, ‘Thou shalt knock up thy wife immediately’.”

  He grins and climbs onto the bed. I can see how ready he is to make said babies by the bounce of his very hard, very impressive cock.

  “He told me in private. Guy stuff. Oh, and he said you have to give me a blow job at least every other day.”

  I sit up on my knees and challenge him with a glare. Of course he’s onto me by now and knows that my glares mean shit because I’m powerless against his adorable self. When I slide a hand around his cock, though, he groans. He’s powerless when it comes to me as well, so we’re evenly matched.

  “What if I want to break the rules and give them to you every day?” I purr seductively and lick my lips for good measure.

  “Goddammit, woman,” he growls and smashes his mouth against mine.

  I stroke him while he kisses me as if his life depends on it. When I moan against his lips, he slips a hand under my ass and flops me onto my back. I spread my legs around his hips and eagerly wait for him to enter me. But instead of slamming right into me like we both want, he pauses and breaks our kiss.

  “What are you waiting for, husband? Mark me. I’m your wife now, so claim me,” I taunt.

  The hunger in his eyes turns his blue eyes a dark shade of navy. They’re almost black.

  “Sweet Lark, you’re mine forever. Understand? No matter what happens, you’re always mine. Promise me.”

  “Yes, Connor, I promise. Now make love to me already!”

  This time, he does slam into me.

  This time, our souls do mate.

  This time, he seals our love with the connection of our bodies.

  “Mine,” he reminds me as he thrusts hard into me.

  With each slap of our flesh, I feel his claiming promise over and over again.

  Growing up, I never imagined myself to be a woman that would let a man claim her. But this isn’t just any man. This is Connor. He’s different. He’s mine also.

  “Connor,” I gasp as he pumps into me.

  “What, baby?”

  “Promise me something too.”

  “I’ll promise you whatever you want. You know that,” he murmurs before sucking on my bottom lip.

  “Yes, but I need to hear it. Promise me that, when we leave this life, you’ll find me.” Tears well in my eyes as we make love, but I need to hear these words from him. I need him to promise me that, when this short lifetime is over, we’ll still be together.

  “Lar, I will find you. Nothing will stop me, you death-obsessed woman.”

  I believe him. I truly do.

  I just don’t expect him to leave his lifetime so soon—and without me.

  I step out of the shower and let the memory swirl down the drain with the water. Why am I suddenly being flooded with memories of Connor? Guilt curls its way into my gut, and I feel sick again. I made a promise to him, yet here I am with Alpha. This can’t go on.

  As I towel off, I straighten my back and find my resolve. I love Connor. Still. And I’ll be damned if I let anyone get in my way of finding him again.

  Sorry, Alpha, but the dead husband just trumped you.

  I PUSH THE door to the office open and can’t help but drink in the beauty. For a windowless office, it seems airy and light, unlike the dark hallway. The walls are painted cream, and everything looks soft—even the two demons sitting at the conference table beside the huge, glass desk.

  “Omega! Alpha!” Lovenia chirps as she bounces from her chair. Today, she’s wearing a demure, white, knee-length dress. Her normally sultry dark waves have been twisted up and pinned to her head. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she looked angelic.

  Too bad I know better.

  Before I can give Omega a look that says, Be cool, he pulls her into his arms and kisses her with a soft peck on her lips. So not cool. I can already tell that this meeting is not going to end well.

  “Hello, gentlemen,” a deep voice says from behind Lovenia. “I’m Corson.”

  Since Omega is still lip-locked with Love, I extend my hand in greeting. These demons are all so off-putting with their good looks and seemingly innocent faces. Corson isn’t any different than Luc or Lovenia. He has short, brown hair that’s been gelled in a stylish but not greasy way, pale-blue eyes, and a grin that probably serves him well with the ladies. His perfectly expensive suit matches his eyes, and I wonder if he planned it that way.

  “Please have a seat. Lovenia speaks so highly of the both of you,” he smiles as he waves his hand toward the table.

  Love and Omega finally break their kiss but hold hands as they walk over to take their seats. Once we all sit, Omega and I both fix our gazes on Corson.

  “So Lovenia tells me you two are something pretty special over at HEA.” He winks at her.

  She nods emphatically as if she’s proud, but I know the truth. Omega’s features darken as he watches Corson’s eyes drop down to the cleavage of the dress I’m realizing is not so innocent anymore. I try to warn Omega with my eyes that they’re playing some sort of wicked game, but he won’t even look at me. He’s too busy clenching his jaw and appearing ready to rip this man’s head off.

  “We’re just two guys trying to make something for ourselves. Everyone wants to be happy,” I respond.

  The tension from Omega’s end is thick. Lovenia seems pleased as fucking punch with herself. And Corson . . . I don’t know what to think about him yet.

  “Ahh, happiness. I bet you two would do just about anything for happiness—or is it love that you’d put everything on the line for?” His question is directed to me.

  Omega sits up in his chair because Corson put emphasis on the word “love” and, like a jackass, he’s reading it as Lovenia.

  I nod but don’t speak. I’m not sure what this guy wants from us, so I’m certainly not going to give him any more information than I have to. I’m here because Lovenia promised to keep my secret from Pallas and everyone over at HEA. This is my end of the bargain. Other than that, he can kiss my ass.

  “Maybe you already have,” Corson ponders aloud.

  My gaze swoops over to Lovenia, and she smiles sheepishly at me.
/>   “Shit happens,” I growl to Corson while still holding Lovenia’s stare.

  The demons chuckle at my sudden anger—as if they were expecting and are pleased with my reaction.

  “Can we cut to the fucking chase?” Omega snarls. “I need to get back to my assignment.”

  I think about Lark, who is sleeping before her shift. I wanted to curl up behind her and hold her, but instead, I’m here. With these two bozos. Talking in fucking circles.

  “Yes, Omega. We can cut to the fucking chase. Here’s the deal. I’ve heard a lot about you. Not just from the beautiful and alluring Lovenia.” Corson pauses to wait for the possessive reaction of Omega—which he gets, of course, in the form of a growl. “But also from word on the street. Reapers and Leviathans all know who the dynamic duo over at HEA is. Those angels can’t stop talking about you, either. And Pallas? He’s proud as can be of you two.”

  His grin is pure evil, and I instantly put my guard up.

  “In fact,” he continues, “when Pallas and I met up today in the cigar lounge, he told me you both were doing so well on your final assignment. He’d even jumped the gun a bit and put in the order for your wings.”

  My wings. All I ever wanted was my wings. And Lark gave them to me . . .

  “Pallas knows better to jump the gun on anything. Even for us,” Omega snaps.

  He’s right though. I think we can both sniff out a lie.

  “Even if he did,” I drawl out, “what does it matter to you? To Lovenia? We have our jobs to do, and you have yours.”

  Corson nods and places his elbows on the table. Then he steeples his fingers together as if he’s contemplating his next strategic move in a game. We’re probably pawns in this dumbass’s game.

  “That we do, Alpha,” he agrees. “Which is why I want to present to you an offer.”

  Omega stands so suddenly that the chair behind him falls to the thick carpet with a thud. “We don’t make deals with the devil.”

  Corson and Lovenia burst out laughing as if he’d said the funniest fucking thing ever. I rise from my chair, indicating that this meeting is over.

  “Please, gentlemen. Sit. I wasn’t trying to offend you. Just hear what I have to say.”

  Omega rolls his eyes and picks up the chair but doesn’t sit. I take his cue of distrust and stand behind my chair as well. We haven’t left, but we’re defiant enough to not sit down and let him play us on his invisible fucking strings.

  “Fine. Stand there. But listen. You”—he points to Omega—“want something I have.” Corson’s eyes flicker over to Lovenia, who bats her eyelashes at him.

  I expect Omega to laugh in his face or flip him off. What I don’t expect is for him to fold his arms across his thick chest and nod in agreement.


  “And you”—he now points at me—“have fallen in love with your assignment. Am I right?”

  My jaw clenches, but I give him a curt nod.

  We’re so fucked.

  “Good thing for you two gentlemen, I can help. What if I told you that you could have what you want? Would that interest you?”

  Omega and I remain stone-faced—neither of us answering his question though I know both of us are considering his words.

  “Just think it over. Why should you have to have a career or love? Why can’t it be both? Here at HEL Enterprises, we pay handsomely and we believe in our employees getting what they want. There’s no reason to deny our employees of anything. We’re low on Leviathans and could use a couple of tough motherfuckers like the both of you. You wouldn’t have to be some lowlife Reaper to prove yourself first. We’re offering you a position at the rank of sweet Lovenia here. It’s an offer you can hardly refuse.”

  Omega glances at me, and for the first time in the six years I’ve known him, I see the hesitation to do what’s right for the sake of what he wants. Can I blame him? I’m quite tempted myself just to be with Lark.

  But we can’t. There have to be more strings attached to this deal.

  “We’ll think about it,” Omega blurts out, which earns him a death glare from me.

  “Wonderful. That was exactly the answer I was hoping for. Keep thinking, gentlemen. I mean, who wouldn’t want a nine-to-five job with more benefits than you could imagine. A job that starts out with more seniority that you’ll have even as Seraph Guardians, which, by the way, are twenty-four-hours-a-day, seven-day-a-week jobs. Wouldn’t it be nice to have time off to spend time with the one you love? The offer stands for one week. I’ll expect an answer one way or the other by next Sunday.”

  Corson and Lovenia stand from their seats, and she walks over to plant a kiss on Omega’s cheek. Instinctively, his arm snakes in an overprotective manner around her waist.

  We’re definitely fucked.

  “What happens if we say no?” I question.

  The demon’s pale eyes darken. “Then it looks like you’re in a whole lot of deep shit over at HEA. I have my dear friend Pallas on speed dial.”

  Fuck this asshole. Now, I don’t have two months to figure this shit out. I have one damn week.

  The only answer that matters is Lark.

  I knock hard on her door for the fifth time. As soon as we left HEL, Lovenia and Omega went over to Pedro’s. Omega was tight-lipped and acting somber, but I could see the decision forming behind his eyes. He and I are going to need a serious sit-down talk without Lovenia’s influence.

  If I have to knock a sixth time, I’m going to bust the fucking door open. Thankfully, I hear the flip of the deadbolt and her door is spared.

  I turn the knob and push through to see Lark twisting her long, wet hair into a messy bun.

  “What?” she asks as she pulls a bobby pin from between her lips and pulls back a loose strand of hair.

  “You’re beautiful and I missed you,” I tell her simply as I shut the door behind me and lock it.

  “I didn’t miss you,” she snips out without making eye contact with me.

  Something’s off. The woman I left earlier today is not the woman standing before me. Something happened while I was gone.

  “Are you okay?” I question. I want to kiss the hell out of her, but I don’t move. It would be like chasing after a scared kitten. Rushing her will only make her run. And the look in Lark’s eyes right now says that she’ll most definitely run, which isn’t what I want at all.

  “No, Al, I am not okay. Okay? I had dreams about my husband. The man I do love,” she bursts out as tears well in her eyes.

  Her comment cuts me deep, but I remain strong for her.

  “What about me?” My words blurt out before I can stop them.

  Green eyes meet mine, and her lip quivers. When I take a step toward her, she takes one step back.

  “What about you?” she retorts as a tear runs down her cheek.

  Another cut to my soul.

  “He’s gone, and I love you now,” I murmur as prowl toward her.

  This time, she doesn’t move. “Alpha, I promised him. Being with you breaks that promise. Besides, I don’t even know you.” She just keeps cutting me with her words.

  After another stride closer, I’m within reaching distance of her. Her chest, which I know is bare underneath her dress, heaves wildly.

  “He’s dead, baby. You have me now.”

  Another tear chases the last one down her cheek. I reach up and swipe it away with my thumb. With a whimper, she leans slightly toward it, giving me hope. Sliding my hand into her hair, I take the last step until our chests touch.

  “I can’t,” she tells me with a shaky voice but doesn’t move away.

  I don’t believe her words because she doesn’t believe them. We both can hear the uncertainty in her voice.

  “I love you, Lar,” I whisper, bringing my lips close to hers.

  “You can’t love me so soon, you insane man.”

  I chuckle against her lips, and she shivers.

  “Insane for you, baby.”

  She bursts into hysterical giggles that make her
seem like she’s the more insane one than I. “I hate cheesy lines.” I’m not at all convinced.

  I raise a brow at her and grin. My hands skim down to her waist before I pull her tighter against me. “If I were a cat, I’d spend all nine lives on you. I bet you really hated that line.” I smile and waggle my eyebrows.

  She caves. Thank fuck she caves.

  “I tried to be strong, Al,” she whimpers as I nibble her lips.

  She tastes like a hint of toothpaste, and I want more. When she parts her mouth, I deepen our kiss and really savor her.

  “You are strong,” I assure her between heated kisses.

  Her small hands run up my chest and into my hair. I’m entranced by the way she tugs me closer and tangles her tongue with mine.

  “Not strong enough. I failed him,” she moans when I tear my mouth from hers to trail kisses along her cheek, to her jaw, and finally to her neck.

  “But you didn’t fail me. You love me too, Twiggy, even if you won’t admit it.”

  And she doesn’t admit it, but I still believe it as truth.

  I’M POWERLESS AGAINST him. Just like I used to be with Connor. Is it possible to love two people in your lifetime? What happens when this lifetime is over? Who do you choose in the afterlife?

  “You’re mine, Lar,” Alpha breathes against my neck as if he’s answering my unspoken questions. I squirm when he sucks the flesh into his mouth and gently bites it.

  When one of his hands cups one of my breasts, I let out another embarrassing moan before saying, “He said the same thing, Al. Don’t you see why I’m hurting?” Then I cry out as he pinches my nipple through my dress.

  “Fuck him. You’re mine. I’ve been to Hell and back for you. I won’t lose you,” he growls.

  I don’t want to lose him. But what about . . .

  His hands glide down my body and push my dress up. I gasp when he takes the fabric of my skimpy panties and rips them right from my body.

  “What are you doing?” I breathe out as his large hands palm my ass as he hauls me closer to him.

  “Climb on, Twiggy. I’m about to take you for a ride,” he croons.

  I jump without hesitation as he lifts me and then hook my ankles around his hard ass. He strides over to the closest wall—the front door to be exact—and pushes my back against it. I hold on to his neck while he makes quick work of unbuckling his jeans and rids them down along with his boxers.