Preach Read online

Page 10

  My anxiety is starting to skyrocket because I don’t like where this conversation is going. I wish my dad were here to help guide me through this. I should have called him and Mom first.

  “I’m sorry. My actions were reprehensible,” I admit. My phone starts buzzing but I ignore it for now. “After I leave here, I’ll go down to the station and tell Sheriff McMahon what I did. I promise you that. As far as my job here goes, can you at least let me talk to my father before you do or say anything to anyone?”

  Jennifer presses her lips together and her nose turns pink. “I don’t know. This is huge, Pastor. You’ve committed a crime with an underage girl. My children had to witness it. We had to witness it. I’m disturbed and think you should step down at once.”

  Jay reaches over and squeezes her hand in support. “I agree. You should make arrangements to have someone fill in tomorrow until we can get this mess sorted out. I’ll be the first to admit, you’ve disappointed me, Easton. Incredibly so.”

  I hang my head shamefully and glance at my phone. Mom is blowing up my texts.

  Mom: Call me.


  Mom: Meet me down at the police station. Something awful has happened.

  More guilt floods through me. She knows about what Lacy and I did. How? I have no idea. I’m about to open my mouth when we hear a commotion outside my door. It bursts in and both Bobby and Bryce stagger in crying. Tears stream from their eyes and they keep rubbing at them.

  “What on earth is happening?” Jennifer shouts as she stands to go to her boys.

  “Lashey’s mom huwt me!” Bobby cries out.

  “She sprayed us with mace!” Bryce exclaims.

  I’m on my feet in an instant. “What happened?” I demand.

  When neither of them pipe up, I get a bad feeling.

  “We’ll talk more about this tomorrow. Something has come up with my mother. I’m going to have to leave and head to the police station. Bobby has the key so he can lock up. I’m sorry but I have to go,” I blurt out as I snag my helmet and keys.

  Jennifer is fussing over the boys but I don’t have time to sort out what happened. All I know is something has my mom frantic. It takes all of ten minutes to get to the station. When I see Mom’s Honda Pilot and Stephanie Greenwood’s Nissan Maxima, the bad feeling turns into one of dread.

  Here it is.

  The moment where everything comes out and they put me back in cuffs.

  My life is over.

  At least I was happy with Lacy for a little while. Being with her was worth it.

  I cut off the engine and stride into the building with my helmet under my arm. As soon as I enter the lobby area, I’m shocked to find Lacy sobbing with both my mom and hers hugging her. Dad shoots me a sad look.

  “Lacy,” I bark out as I rush over to her. Mom takes my helmet and then I’m embracing my girl. “What’s wrong?”

  “T-They h-hurt me,” Lacy chatters out and then shudders.

  Confusion melts away as my blood begins to boil. One quick look at Stephanie and the furious glare on her face is enough to know that Bobby and Bryce were to blame. The mace should have been my first clue.

  “I’m going to kill them,” I snarl.

  Dad grips my shoulder from behind. “No, you’re not. Take a walk with me, son.”

  I press a kiss to Lacy’s hot, wet cheek. “I’ll be right back, honey. I promise.”

  She nods and then I’m stalking from the lobby to the only interrogation room this police station has. Once inside, I find Sheriff McMahon and Deputy Gentry Adair looking somber.

  “You have to arrest them,” I bark out. “Tell me what happened and then go arrest them before I kill them.”

  Sheriff shakes his head. “We’ll get to that. Have a seat, Easton.”

  “I’d rather stand.” My entire body ripples with rage. Once again, Dad gives me his support by clutching my shoulder.

  “I know what happened,” Sheriff says. “I don’t have to tell you what sort of problems this presents for you being that you’re having sex with a minor.”

  “Don’t admit to anything,” Dad mutters from behind me. “Dane’s on his way.”

  I grit my teeth. “What. Did. They. Do. To. Her?”

  Sheriff frowns. “They sexually assaulted her according to Miss Greenwood. Her mother thwarted the assault and brought her straight here.”

  A roar rips from me. They did that while I was sitting in my damn office with their parents. I didn’t protect her. I should have known better. When I start to turn around, Dad blocks me.

  “Move,” I snarl.

  “No. You’re not going to go getting yourself thrown in prison again. I won’t let you,” Dad bites back.

  “Now, before you showed up a few minutes ago,” Sheriff says, “I got a call from Jennifer Johnston claiming that you were having sex with Miss Greenwood when they arrived. And then, she said her boys were assaulted by Mrs. Greenwood. So basically right now we have their word against yours and the Greenwoods.”

  “We’ll just pull up the security footage and…” I trail off and curse. “I turned it off.”

  Sheriff nods. “And as your friend, that may keep you out of prison. We have no proof that you had sex with Miss Greenwood because she denies it. Just that the Johnston’s say you do. On the other side of the coin, we don’t have any recordings showing them assaulting her. If she goes to the hospital and they perform a rape kit, they’re going to find more than Bobby’s DNA. Right now, she’s refusing to go to the hospital.”

  I close my eyes and let out a ragged breath. “So what do we do?”

  The door swings open and Dane strides in. “You let your attorney handle it. Boys, I’ll need a minute with my client.”

  After hours at the station, my parents and I follow the Greenwoods back to her house. Lacy clings to me once inside the house as if she’s afraid I’ll leave her. I’m not going anywhere.

  Things get especially awkward when her mom tries to take her upstairs to shower and change but she demands I go instead.

  My gaze flits over to Mom’s and she gives me a nod. Dad’s jaw clenches but he doesn’t argue otherwise. It’s Stephanie I’ll have to contend with.

  “Steph—” I start.

  “Just go. Please help her. I’ll put on some coffee,” she mutters.

  I guide Lacy upstairs into the bathroom and hug her to me once the door closes. “Lace, I am so sorry.”

  She hugs me tighter. “I was so scared.”

  I kiss the top of her head. My body trembles with fury but I attempt to remain calm for her. “What did they do?”

  “They were giving me a hard time. I managed to walk away from them but then they caught up. Bryce held me down against the wall while he said terrible things to me. Bobby kissed me and groped me. And then…” I tense as she lets out a ragged breath. “He forced his finger inside of me.”

  “I’m going to kill them, Lacy.”

  She tilts her head up and her eyes swim with tears. “Don’t you dare. If you hurt them, you’ll go to prison again. I need you here with me.”

  I kiss her mouth until we’re both breathless. Then, I rest my forehead against hers. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “Just stick with me. Our parents have our backs and we don’t have to keep this private much longer. But just promise me you won’t do anything to jeopardize our time together,” she begs.

  I nod my vow. “But I’m firing him. I don’t care what his parents or the church say.”

  “Do you still even have a job to be able to fire him?” she murmurs.

  I run my fingers through her silky hair and tug her head back so I can look at her teary blue eyes. “I hope so.” I close my eyes for a moment. “I’m so sorry, Lace. I acted stupidly. I’d assumed we were alone. The doors were locked…” I sigh. “I didn’t think Bobby and his family would show up.”

  “Don’t apologize,” she tells me, irritation in her voice. “It happened and we were both on board. Everything
was fine until those monsters…”

  “Come on,” I say gruffly and pull from her grasp to start the shower. I untie her dress and send it dropping to the floor. Once she’s naked, I can really see bruises starting to form on her forearms and breast. It makes me want to hurt those bastards who put their hands on her.

  I strip out of my clothes and join her under the hot spray. Gently, I wash away everywhere they touched her. I’m about to turn off the water when she reaches between us and grips my cock that is hard despite my not wanting it to be. I want to simply take care of her.

  “I need this. I keep freaking out every time I think about him touching me there,” she whispers as she starts stroking my dick. “Please.”

  “Are you hurt?”

  “It burned when he did it because I was dry but my body can handle you making love to me, Easton. I need you to make love to me.”

  I grab her tiny ass and lift her up. Our mouths connect and I kiss her with all the love I can possibly convey. Her slender legs wrap around my hips as I push her up against the wall. I’m gentle as I push into her tight heat. Her breath catches the moment I’m seated completely inside her.

  “That’s better,” she whimpers. “So much better.”

  I nip at her lips in a greedy way. It makes me mental that those Johnston boys touched what’s mine. And she is mine. I’m going to marry this girl one day, I just know it.

  “Marry me, vixen,” I blurt out against her mouth.

  She laughs—the first one since this entire ordeal—and it warms me to my soul. “Was that a statement or a question?”

  “You’re going to marry me as soon as you can and you’re going to let me love you until we’re old,” I tell her with a crooked grin.

  Her blue eyes twinkle with happiness. “Well, since I don’t have a say in it, I guess it’s a done deal, huh?”

  I thrust my hips into her making her moan probably louder than she should since our parents are downstairs. “Damn straight.”

  Our laughter and teasing die down as I pound into her, as if I can thrust my promise all the way inside her to her heart. She comes with a sudden gasp and her pussy clenches around me like always. God, she’s so perfect.

  I groan and let out my release.

  This time I don’t bother pulling out because she’s mine and I’m going to make her mine in every possible way.

  The past three weeks have been torture. Gossip in our small-town spreads like wildfire. Everywhere I go, the older people in this community stare at me with pity. As if Pastor McAvoy was the big bad wolf who raped me. I know it’s the Johnstons who are spreading those rumors. After that fateful night, the Johnstons realized they didn’t have a leg to stand on, and were unable to get Easton fired. His dad, Gregory, ran interference and said they were silly claims by a mentally unstable boy with an obsessive crush on me. And Bobby didn’t help matters by showing up at the church asking where “Lashey” was. I’d taken one look at him and started bawling my eyes out. All those memories came flooding back. It was apparent to anyone around me who the real criminal was around there. Gregory and another deacon escorted him from the property and he’s been banned from coming back. His family, and several of their loyal friends, no longer come to church.

  While I wait for Easton to meet me for lunch, I stare at the key fob in my hand. I still can’t believe I’m driving now. After I lost the baby and Sean went to prison, I would have panic attacks in the car. Mom thought it unsafe to drive and my car has been garaged this entire time. But it was her, not long after the horrifying experience with the Johnstons, who gave me my car key back and suggested I start driving again. She hated the fact that I was alone waiting for her that night. I’d expected the anxieties to overwhelm me like once before, but they didn’t. Having a vehicle again was freeing. Plus, when it rains, Easton and I don’t have to be cooped up in his house any longer.

  My phone buzzes and I’m shocked to see it’s from my ex-best friend, Olivia. Our friendship suffered when I went a little crazy with Sean and then with Nolan. And although we are cordial to each other, we haven’t really hung out since. Seems like a lot of my friendships have fallen apart because of Sean and Nolan.

  Olivia: Tonight a bunch of us are meeting up at club Orj-E for a party. It’s a graduation party of sorts. Most of our class will be there including Ava. You should come.

  I smile at the mention of my friend Ava. During my rough time when I was involved with Nolan, she came to my aide. She even got hurt trying to protect me from him. I feel indebted to her.

  Me: Can I bring a date?

  Olivia: Is he nice?

  Me: He’s a preacher, so yeah.

  Olivia: OMG!!! You’re dating a preacher?! You hussy! No wonder you started going to church!

  I laugh at her response. This is what I miss.

  Me: It was definitely motivating. I can’t wait for you to meet him.

  Olivia: Does he know you’re inviting him to a sex club?

  Me: My preacher is sometimes bad…

  Olivia: OMG. Nine tonight. Use the back entrance since you’re still underage. I can’t wait to see your dirty preacher. Is he old? Does he wear suspenders? Does he carry a Bible in his back pocket?

  Me: Okay. Kinda. Nope. And nah, I look at his ass a lot…there’s no Bible shielding that view.

  Olivia: Hussy!

  Me: I missed you.

  My laughter falls away as my somber mood sets in. The three dots move and then stop. Move and then stop. Move and then a text.

  Olivia: I missed you too. I’m glad I have my friend back.

  The car door opens and I scream, dropping my phone between the console and the seat. Easton drops into the passenger seat, grinning wickedly at me.

  “Hey, honey.” He reaches forward and slides his palm around the back of my neck. When he pulls me to him, I go willingly. Always willingly. Our mouths connect for a kiss and his thumb strokes my neck in an affectionate way. “You ready to eat?”

  “Always. I’m craving Moon Wok.”

  He laughs. “You’re always craving Moon Wok. We’ve had it three times this week.”

  “Shhh,” I say with a grin. “The cheese wontons are calling my name. Lacy…Lacy…eat me…”

  “All I heard was eat me,” he says with a growl as he palms my thigh and runs it up my skirt, his fingertips brushing against my panties underneath. “And you’re something I’m always craving.” His breath his hot against mine. “I’m going to defile you right here in the parking lot, vixen. You’re going to love it too.”

  I lean my head back against the seat and thank God my windows are tinted. The naughty preacher works his fingers past my panties and into my body.

  He’s right. I love all the things he does to me.

  I love when he’s my good preacher.

  But I also love it when he’s my dirty criminal.

  Who says you can’t have the best of both worlds?

  “Wow,” Easton mutters as he hugs me possessively to his side. “Just wow.”

  I giggle and hug his middle. “We don’t have to stay long. I know it’s not your scene. I just miss Olivia.”

  He kisses my temple. “Anywhere with you is my scene. We’ll stay as long as you want. Just know I’m not sharing what’s mine.”

  We both stare in awe as three men grope at a naked woman on a sofa. I’ve never been in club Orj-E before. It’s a sex club that caters to people seeking their different kinks. The bouncer who let us in the back—and didn’t ask for IDs which I’m thinking was on purpose—gave us a quick rundown on what to expect. Naked people everywhere doing naughty things. I got that message loud and clear.

  “Lacy!” Olivia yells over the sensual music that’s thumping through the club. “Isn’t this place wicked?”

  Behind her stands a brute, mountain of a man. Tall, solid, a dark beard. His possessiveness over Olivia is loud and clear. When she notices me staring, she laughs and points at him. “Miles owns this club. Miles, my friend Lacy and her preacher boyfriend.�

  “Easton,” my preacher boyfriend says, offering his hand to the big guy.

  “Glad to have you both here,” Miles grunts back as he shakes Easton’s hand. “Enjoy yourselves. You can always ask for forgiveness in the morning.” He gives us a mischievous wink before walking over to the bar.

  Olivia rolls her eyes but laughs. “You look good, Lace. You’re glowing. Happiness always did look best on you. How’s Steph?”

  “She misses you,” I tell her. “You should stop by and have dinner with us one day. You’re practically a daughter to her.”

  Guilt shines in Olivia’s green eyes and she nods. “I promise, I will. Steph was always the mom I didn’t have growing up. Too bad we were never successful on hooking her and Dad up.”

  I laugh and turn to Easton. “When we were fourteen, we wanted to be sisters and had this grand idea to play matchmaker. We snuck out to create this romantic picnic in Olivia’s backyard once when I spent the night. The plan was to call my mom over there to come get me on the ruse I had a stomach ache. We got all the candles lit in the gazebo and I called Mom. Everything was going smoothly until the wind knocked over a candle onto the blanket where all the food was laid out. It went up in flames so fast.”

  Olivia chuckles. “Dad ran out freaking the hell out. You and I barely made it out of the gazebo unscathed! By the time your mom arrived, the entire thing was engulfed in flames. They spent the next three hours comparing punishments and who could yell the loudest. Steph and Dad didn’t hook up romantically but they became good friends at that point and always made sure to call the other frequently when we were together to make sure we weren’t up to anymore shenanigans.”

  “How is your dad anyway?” I ask.

  Before she can answer, a man in slacks only and a sculpted bare chest shows up with a tray full of shots. My stomach churns when he offers me one. Easton takes two, one for each of us, but when I shake my head, he downs them both.

  “I’m going to steal her away for a minute,” Miles says once he’s returned. “Nice meeting you two. We’ll catch back up shortly. Check out the black room.” He smirks and points at a door toward the back. “If you dare.”